Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gimmick, Trend and Forgetting About All That.

Art is hard.

It is a giant flashing indicator of too much isolation from what else is going on and being shown when one pauses and realizes how quickly trend can overtake what starts out as unique and novel and warp it, making it feel like a gimmick, or worse, derivative, even if it isn't either. Hovering work near without touching gimmick just might be feasible and interesting -- because of the tension -- but a few days/weeks/months later, such hovering work would probably sit well inside the gimmick camp.

I am done for now worrying about the gimmick effect in the use of some non-art materials -- and how widespread such uses seems to be becoming. It isn't the materials themselves that matter, it's why and how you use them and what you say with them. Either that works and is appreciated or it doesn't and isn't -- the difference between what might be relevant and what is defining.

I had a good few hours creating new work today. Getting back to playing.

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