Monday, November 2, 2009

Thinking Through Stages

Stage 1 is drawn entirely digitally. It's a reminder, though, that more time is needed working with colored paper, as there's not a sufficient light complex in the organization of the image here. Stage 2 below is an attempt to accentuate a light complex, with the turquoise serving as midrange; the image as a whole, however, is less successful than in Stage 1.

Added digital capture to Stage 3, below, providing a soft graininess. Stage 3 not a full assimilation. The arc adds dimension and activates the image as a whole; however, now there is not a dark complex.
The image was darkened in Stage 4, below, to recover some darks, and a color substitution followed in Stage 5, helping to tie the image together as a whole and creating a more cartoonish appearance.

This last two are another Stage 3, with a different digital capture added to Stage 2, creating two, rather than one arc, and Stage 1 with a different digital capture.

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