Friday, August 28, 2009

Should artists wear critic hats too?

Every artist is a critic, but should artists put their critical opinions out there reviewing other artist's work? I am distinguishing "reviewing" from critical analysis and discourse to understand one's own work in critical context and relation to other artwork, history, and contemporary times/dialogue.

One problem with an artist reviewing other artists' work is the extent to which an artist can obtain distance from the issues and approaches that inform the artist's own work. This is an openness/receptivity question that is separate and apart from any supposed or presumed intentional self interest an artist might have in promoting the artist's own work. Tunnel vision or blinders?

Perhaps, though, its faulty logic to suppose a critic that is not a practicing artist can obtain distance, particularly as more and more critics view their criticism as their creative output/expression/portfolio.

If enough people, artists or otherwise, were able consistently to risk bringing real critique to the public forum, the absence of distance might be mediated by real competition among ideas and opinions.

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